Dr. Khatuna Burkadze – Through the support of the US and EU we should take joint steps towards the Georgian European democracy
Dr. Khatuna Burkadze, Director of American and Euro-Atlantic Studies at Geocase has assessed the results of the meetings of the Association Council of the European Union and Georgia and the NATO-Georgia Commission held in Brussels. She underlined that NATO and the EU re...
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Human Rights for Everyone and Everywhere
9 Dec 2020
December 10, 2020, International Human Rights Day. This is its 72nd anniversary and global society still agrees to create a world in which “human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear”, as noted in the Universal Declaration of Human Right...
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President-elect Joe Biden and the EU: Waves on both sides of the Atlantic are now blue
25 Nov 2020
"Health, climate change, digital, reform of the multilateral rules-based system - Europe takes the initiative and offers a new positive agenda with the US. We should provide a joint leadership and address today’s global challenges,” believes the European Commission Pres...
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Georgian Case in the European Union
14 May 2020
They say that ‘if the European Union didn't exist, we would have to invent it.’ Indeed, the benefits of the European Project, which over the past 70 years have been tangible to citizens of both its member states and partner countries, including the citizens of Georg...
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Khatuna Burkadze – In the post-pandemic period, Georgia will continue to overcome challenges and implement reforms with the EU support
Interview on Georgia’s European perspective, EU-Georgia agenda and European aid with Dr. Khatuna Burkadze, a research fellow at Geocase.
- On May 9, 2020, the Europe Day was held to mark the anniversary of the historic Schuman Declaration. In 1950, Robert Schuma...
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Partenariat franco-géorgien au service des valeurs européennes
24 Apr 2020
Par Lika Tchipashvili, Chercheuse chez "Geocase"; Ambassadeur Alumni (Représentante des anciens diplômés géorgiens en France en collaboration avec le Campus France)
« [Les moeurs et les coutumes des Géorgiens] cela vient, je crois, du commerce qu’ils ont avec be...
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Europe Without Borders
12 Apr 2020
‘We are not forming coalitions of states, we are uniting men.’ Perhaps nothing expresses better than these words of Jean Monnet, one of the founders of the European project, the essence of the goodness of the European Union: the free movement of persons, recognized by t...
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Interview on Georgia-EU relations with Victor Kipiani, the Chair of Geocase
11 Mar 2020
Victor Kipiani, the Chair of Geocase discussed the dynamics of Georgia-EU relations, importance of Eastern Partnership and Georgia’s European perspective.
Victor Kipiani underlined: “The EU regards Georgia as a key partner in the region. Georgia continues to be fu...
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Geopolitics and EU Competition Law
On February 4, 2020 the Ministers of Economy of Germany, France, Italy and Poland published a letter addressed to European Commissioner for Competition, Margrethe Vestager. The signatories stated that due to developments in global competition it was necessary to reform...
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