Georgia’s possible positioning in a new global production and trade system
An exuberant geopolitical globalization
As international political events of the 21st century followed each other, with some duplication, modification and alternation, economic integration followed a rising line. As a result, we ended up with a high-quality, interc...
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TikTok – a Hidden Threat to State Sovereignty
Social networks have become an integral part of everyday life in the 21st century. The development of digital platforms has completely changed the patterns and forms of interpersonal interaction, the behavior of society, the domestic and global politics of states—in sho...
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Partenariat franco-géorgien au service des valeurs européennes
24 Apr 2020
Par Lika Tchipashvili, Chercheuse chez "Geocase"; Ambassadeur Alumni (Représentante des anciens diplômés géorgiens en France en collaboration avec le Campus France)
« [Les moeurs et les coutumes des Géorgiens] cela vient, je crois, du commerce qu’ils ont avec be...
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Europe Without Borders
12 Apr 2020
‘We are not forming coalitions of states, we are uniting men.’ Perhaps nothing expresses better than these words of Jean Monnet, one of the founders of the European project, the essence of the goodness of the European Union: the free movement of persons, recognized by t...
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Georgian Soft Power in the North Caucasus
17 Mar 2020
1. Introduction
Much has (more often than not) already been written about the long-standing and quite diverse and multilateral relations that Georgia has entertained with the peoples of the North Caucasus. Yet assessments of both the region’s past history and pres...
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Interview on Georgia-EU relations with Victor Kipiani, the Chair of Geocase
Victor Kipiani - The EU regards Georgia as a key partner in the region and underlines that Georgia actively participates in the Eastern Partnership multilateral architecture
- In Munich the Foreign Ministers of Associated countries of Eastern Partnership si...
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Interview on Georgia-EU relations with Victor Kipiani, the Chair of Geocase
11 Mar 2020
Victor Kipiani, the Chair of Geocase discussed the dynamics of Georgia-EU relations, importance of Eastern Partnership and Georgia’s European perspective.
Victor Kipiani underlined: “The EU regards Georgia as a key partner in the region. Georgia continues to be fu...
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Interview on Georgia’s Euro-Atlantic integration with Dr. Khatuna Burkadze, researcher at Geocase
Dr. Khatuna Burkadze – Georgia’s integration into NATO should be accelerated and almost twelve years promise of the Bucharest Summit should be delivered in the future.
- On February 12-13, NATO Defense Ministerial was held at NATO HQ in Brussels. Defense Minister...
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Interview on Georgia’s Euro-Atlantic integration with Dr. Khatuna Burkadze, a researcher at Geocase
18 Feb 2020
Dr. Khatuna Burkadze assessed the results of Georgia’s involvement in the NATO Defense Ministerial, the dynamics of NATO-Georgia cooperation, the implementation of the Georgian Annual National Program. She talked about Georgia’s strategic importance, support of partners...
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